HR Competence, Innovation, Competitive Advantage, UMKMAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of HR
competence on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in
Bulungan Regency. The method used is the quantitative
method, with a total of 160 respondents. Data collection was
in the form of a questionnaire, the data analysis technique
used in this study was SPSS 23 andstructural equation
modelling (SEM). Based on the instrument test on the HR
Competency, Innovation and Competitive Advantage
variables it is declared valid and reliable, because it has a
correlation value above 0.3, it also has aCronbach
alphagreater than 0.6. The results of the study show that HR
competence has a significant positive effect on competitive
advantage and innovation, but innovation has a positive but
not significant effect on competitive advantage. HR
competence and innovation variables affect the variation of
data on competitive advantage variables by 0.91 or 91%, the
remaining 9% is influenced by other factors
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