Happiness at Work, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance, Organizational Citizenship BehaviorAbstract
An organization is the entity that involves a group of people working together to reach a common goal or a collective goal. In order to reach the goals of an organization, the organization relies heavily on the human resources within it. Organizations have always had a long-term vision and mission, so there will always be a need for staff who are also aligned with the vision and long-term mission of the organization. Most researchers have shown that Happiness at Work (HAW) and Organizational Commitment considerably influence employee performance, mental health, creative Performance, and psychological capital. This research is purpose to specify the influence of significant variables factor on the Civil Registry Service Office West Kalimantan to achieve an organization's goal. The data collected in this study is as many as 200 respondents and will be analyzed with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using AMOS 23 with quantitative methods.
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