A Numerical Study Of P-Cuo/N-Azo/ Thin Film Solar Cells Metal Oxide Based Scaps 1-D


  • Zulfadli Pelawi Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera Indonesia
  • H. Alam Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera Indonesia


Thin film Solar Cells, Metal Oxide semiconductor, AZO, Window Layer, SCAPS-1D


In this paper described a photovoltaic characteristics of thin film heterojunction solar cells comprising p-CuO/n-AZO were conducted numerically using a solar cell capacitance simulator (SCAPS-1D). The solar cells device performance p-CuO/n-AZO metal oxide based was investigated, in terms of different n-AZO parameters such as the thickness and carrier concentration. The simulation results indicate that the highest efficiency attain to 9 %, by setting n-AZO thickness and carrier concentration of 50 nm, and 5.0x1018 cm-3 respectively. According to the results obtained, we conclude that the presented thin film solar cell device simulation model using SCAPS 1-D tools could be a part of the solar cell classes with potential promise for photovoltaic applications



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How to Cite

Zulfadli Pelawi, & H. Alam. (2023). A Numerical Study Of P-Cuo/N-Azo/ Thin Film Solar Cells Metal Oxide Based Scaps 1-D. Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika Dan Sains, 13(02), 375–378. Retrieved from https://ejournal.seaninstitute.or.id/index.php/InfoSains/article/view/2911