
  • Tedi Sukmana Harun Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (STISIP) Tasikmalaya


Value, Implementation, Good governance


Culture in an organizational system can be understood as the result of a leader or creator, who defines a certain domain, which is therefore acceptable to certain target groups. Leaders can be said to act as founders of a culture, which will accommodate the rules, values, beliefs and perceptions of the groups involved. the transformation of local cultural values in every work culture communication activity will certainly produce a new product, especially in creating a good governance system. And if the concept is actually successfully implemented properly and effectively, it is certain that public services in an area will run according to the desired target. Good governance will be created if the communication that is built is carried out effectively. That is, the system is run on the basis of compatibility between the sender of the message and the informant as the recipient of the message. In essence, the concept of good governance will create prosperity among the people, one of which is through collective agreements and a strategically structured work system. In this case the application of the concept of good governance combined with local wisdom values was able to present several new breakthroughs, especially in the world of bureaucracy in Indonesia. For example, as was done by the Purwakarta and Bandung Regency governments where the two regions succeeded in elaborating Sundanese values in their governance system, even though it required struggle and support from various parties in carrying it out, the application of the concept of culture and a good governance system could be a new solution. especially for regions that are trying to create a new service in their government system.


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How to Cite

Harun, T. S. (2023). SUNDANESE VALUES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOD GOVERNANCE. Jurnal Ekonomi, 12(01), 922–928. Retrieved from

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