Service Quality, Satisfaction, TrustAbstract
PT X Bekasi Hospital is very aware of the importance of service quality for customer satisfaction. The survey results for the January-October 2021 period, out of 1631 total complaints against pharmaceutical services at PT X Bekasi Hospital, there were 45 complaints. Survey results and prescription coverage data show that there is still a gap between expectations and reality. This study aims to determine and explain the effect of improving the quality of pharmaceutical services on the satisfaction and trust of independent outpatients at PT X Bekasi Hospital. The research method uses a quasi-experimental method (Quasi Experiment Methode) with a control group pre-test and post-test approach. The results showed that the value of service quality was still below the score before the intervention. There is an influence of efforts to improve the quality of pharmaceutical services on the satisfaction and trust of independent outpatients at PT X Bekasi Hospital, with an influence of 62.3%. Service quality can make patient expectations of the quality of services provided in the form of quality employee performance and professional competence. Efforts to improve the quality of pharmaceutical services have an impact on the trust of independent outpatients at PT X Bekasi Hospital, with an influence of 46.8%. This means a quality management system that makes employees or employees increase their professional competence, thus making customers assess the company and its employees to be trustworthy and reliable entities.
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